January 2024 | SciCom A to Z on LinkedIn

An A to Z of science communication – from A like... analysis to Z like... "Zuhören" (listening).

What this series is about: Key aspects and tools of strategic communication planning | Experiences, ideas and impulses from my day-to-day work | Links to practical examples and texts for further reading

My aim: to provide everyday help for planning and implementation | to trigger ideas and provide impetus | to share experiences | to arouse curiosity and give confidence for science communication

Starting January 16, I will publish a new episode on my LinkedIn profile every Tuesday, always accompanied by an invitation to share your own experiences and add to my texts.

November 2023 | off to Bielefeld

The Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation 2023 takes place! From 15 to 17 November, communicators, journalists and researchers will meet in Bielefeld. The thematic focus is "Controversial, but fair - impulses for a new culture of debate"

I'll be there and am particularly looking forward to the session on science communication in industry and the lecture blocks on practical experience and SciCom research. And of course also very important: coffee and chatting!

picture: Wissenschaft im Dialog

July 2023 | Podcast recordings started

DC00 is short for Diplom-Chemie 2000 and was the abbreviation for my class at the University of Potsdam. Inspired by the reunion of a small group in a garden in Potsdam, I meet up with some of my fellow students from back then. We chat about our studies, why we originally decided to study chemistry and what happened after graduation.

The first recordings are in the can and the next ones are to follow. A thousand thanks to all those on whose sofas my recording set and I have already been invited to sit!

Update Feb 2024: As I am rather busy with other projects, I have to admit that I'm not devoting as much time to this project as I would like. But progress is being made, albeit in small steps!